board of directors
A volunteer Board of Directors provides oversight to District 19. Interested citizens are appointed by each of our participating localities for terms of three years. Our current officers are listed below, and Board members are named according to the localities they represent.
2025 Board of Directors
Gary Talley - City of Petersburg (Chair)
Becca Lynch - City of Colonial Heights (Vice-chair)
Jean Grim - Prince George County (Treasurer)
Angela Haden - City of Colonial Heights
Sherilyn Merritt - Dinwiddie County
Donna Harrison - Dinwiddie County
Keith Prince- City of Emporia
Col. Anthony Johnson - Greensville County
Vacant - City of Hopewell
Vacant – City of Hopewell
Daphne Turner - City of Petersburg
Vacant - City of Petersburg
Helen Leonard - Prince George County
Kenneth Robinson - Prince George County
Velma Shaw - Surry County
Alastair Bailey - Sussex County

District 19 CSB’s regularly scheduled Board Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of every month, and the first Thursday in December. The Board does not schedule meetings in June, July, August, or November. Special Board meetings are scheduled as needed. The Board meets at 20 W. Bank Street, Suite 6, Petersburg, Virginia 23803. Meetings start at 6:00 p.m.