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District 19 CSB's Adult Services programs provide consumers a single point of entry to the agency, crisis response and assessment, case management, and therapeutic services designed for specific populations meeting our admission criteria. Persons with mental disabilities can receive a comprehensive assessment to determine their mental health, intellectual/developmental disability, and/or substance use services needs, and be referred to the services which best meet those needs. Services are designed to aid consumers in achieving their highest possible level of functioning.

Adult services programs are committed to providing an environment where individuals and families with complex behavioral health issues are welcomed for care and will be helped to use their strengths to address all issues to achieve their goals.

Mental Health Services

Learn More
Service Descriptions and Eligibility Requirements 

  • Intensive Community Treatment
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Mental Health Case Management
  • Mental Health Skill Building
  • ID/DD Targeted Case Management
  • Outpatient Psychiatric Service
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Eligibility Requirements
  • Telemedicine

D119 Logo (11)

Kheia D. Hilton, LPC (Virginia), LPC (Maryland) 

Director Of Adult Services

District 19 Community Services Board

Office: (804) 862-8002 x 3071 

Cell: (804) 866-7019 

Fax: (804) 862-8060