Early Childhood Services

District 19's Infant Intervention program provides early intervention services to infants and toddlers (birth to age three) with a developmental delay in any skill area to include: physical, emotional, sensory, cognitive, communicative, etc., or if they have a syndrome with a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay (i.e. Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, etc.). Monitoring is available for children who are not eligible for services but are at a risk of a developmental delay. Services provided include Developmental Screenings and Assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech/Language Pathology, Service Coordination, Parent Education, Family Support, Transition to Public School Programs, and more. The service is provided throughout the District 19 CSB catchment area and is usually provided in the child's natural environment (i.e., home, babysitter, daycare, etc.).
How Do I know if My Child Needs These Services?
Anyone who has a concern about a child’s development, (medical professionals, family members, neighbors, social services, parents, etc.) may refer a child to the Infant Toddler Connection of Crater District. When we receive the referral, we will gather basic information such as name, address phone number and information about the developmental concerns. We then contact the family to schedule a face-to face meeting to complete an intake. This intake appointment provides the family the opportunity to learn more about early intervention services and have all their questions answered. During the intake, paperwork will be completed and a developmental screening will be provided to your child.
Once the intake is completed, with your permission, we will determine whether or not your child is eligible to receive early intervention services based on information you provided during the intake appointment, information obtained through the developmental screening, and if available, any medical records. Once eligibility is determined, we will, again with your permission, schedule an Assessment for Service Planning.
This meeting consists of a team of 2 professionals your Service Coordinator and you, the parent or caregiver who will look at how your child is doing in all areas of development compared to same-aged peers. Once information is obtained about your child’s development, the team, which includes you, the parent or caregiver, develop a plan based on your child’s needs and what is important to you and your family. You and your team will decide how everyone will work together to reach your family goals. This plan is called the Individualized Family Service Plan or IFSP.
Once you provide permission for the IFSP to be implemented, your early intervention services providers will work with you to support your child’s ongoing development in the natural environment (such as your home, daycare center, playground, grocery store; wherever is needed to help you address the concerns you have for your child). When goals are met, new goals are developed. The IFSP can be revised as often as needed, but must be done at least every 6 months.
What happens if my child no longer needs Early Intervention Services or is no longer age-eligible?
When your child has either met all of the goals on the IFSP or is no longer age eligible for Early Intervention Services, your Service Coordinator will work with you to develop a plan for whatever your family feels is important as next steps, such as enrollment in daycare/nursery school, Head Start, school services, outpatient therapy, etc. This is called a transition plan and is included as part of the IFSP. You and your Service Coordinator will together to ensure that appropriate referrals are made to programs you are interested in learning about
Who do I contact if I have concerns?
If you have concerns about a child’s development between
birth and 3 years of age or want to learn more about early intervention
services, please contact the Infant & Toddler Connection of Crater District
at (804) 862-8002, ext. 3160. We look forward to hearing from you!

Kavonda Jordan-Dean, M. Ed., QMHP-C
Local System Manager / Early Childhood Manager
Infant & Toddler Connection of Crater District
D19 Community Service Board
20 West Bank Street Petersburg VA, 23803
804-862-8002 ext. 3908